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Friday 23 August 2013

How to find websites where you can find industry resources

Friday 23 August 2013 - 7 Comments

Searching for industry resources on web but can not find anything relevant content.

To find the relevant content just go to and in the search box type these words

Keyword + “top 10 resources”/”top resources”
Keyword + “top 10 web resources”/”top web resources”
Keyword + “top 10 internet resources”/”top internet resources”
Keyword + “top 10 online resources”/”top online resources”
Keyword + “top 10 sites/”top sites”
Keyword + “top 10 websites”/”top websites”
Keyword + “top 10 articles”/ “top articles”
Keyword + “top 10 tools”/”top tools”

Keyword + “recommended articles”/”suggested articles”
Keyword + “useful articles”/”interesting articles”
Keyword + “favorite articles”

Keyword + “recommended resources”/”suggested resources”
Keyword + “useful resources”/”interesting resources”
Keyword + “favorite resources”
Keyword + “recommended sites”/”suggested sites”
Keyword + “useful sites”/”interesting sites”
Keyword + “favorite sites”
Keyword + “recommended websites”/”suggested websites”
Keyword + “useful websites”/”interesting websites”
Keyword + “favorite websites”

Keyword + “recommended tools”/”suggested tools”
Keyword + “useful tools”/”interesting tools”
Keyword + “favorite tools”

Keyword + “recommended links”/”suggested links”
Keyword + “useful links”/”interesting links”
Keyword + “favorite links”

Keyword + “intitle:resources”
Keyword + “round up”
Keyword + intitle:”round up”
Keyword + “round up” + intitle:weekly/daily/monthly
Keyword + intitle:list
Keyword + “guide”

“list of + Keyword + sites”

Keyword + “news”/”industry news”
Keyword + “magazine”/”industry magazine”
Keyword + “journal”/”industry journal”

Keyword + “whitepapers”
Keyword + “videos”
Keyword + “podcasts”
Keyword + “research”
Keyword +
Keyword +
Keyword + filetype:doc/docx/xls/ppt/pdf


Keyword +  inurl:links/resources

Just  replace "keyword" with the keyword you are searching for. I think this will help in your link building campaigns.

Wednesday 10 July 2013

Multiple URL Opener for Link Building

Wednesday 10 July 2013 - 3 Comments

Paste all URLs and then hit Open URLs.

Thursday 4 July 2013

Why SEO is needed for Websites?

Thursday 4 July 2013 - 3 Comments

Today every one wants to expand his business their business around the world and for this SEO is important. Without SEO your website will not rank high or at all and will not show on the 1st page of search engine result page which will decrease your revenue.

Not only it is necessary to optimize your website with key phrases that you want to be found under, but is is absolutely necessary to have an outstanding marketing strategy in place. Simply optimizing your website is not enough these days.

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What is SEO ( Search Engine Optimization) ?

Search Engine Optimization

What is SEO ( Search Engine Optimization) ?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of imroving the visibilty of a website via the "natural' or up-paid ('organic' or 'algorithmic') search results. It is done by doing a series of proven SEO techniques that would the help a website perform better and get a higher ranking with all the major search engines for certain keywords and phrases are put in the search field.

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Donec sed odio dui. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio. Duis mollis

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